First half of the day
Last Saturday, we went to Blackpool Model Village. There were many handcrafted models and the landscape garden is very beautiful. The children like it as they were many places to explore. Si Kecik Eizan bukan main suka lagi dapat berlari2.
Erin dah ikut jejak Daddy le.. Gi mana mesti bawa kamera dia & snap all those nice objects - especially flowers.
Second half of the day
We went to Stanley Park with other families to celebrate Afia's & Khadeeja's Garden Birthday Bash... Bukan artis je buat party kat garden tau!
The garden is soooooooo nice - penuh dengan bunga berwarna-warni. Cantik sangat. Budak-budak suka sangat berlari-lari. Memang puas hati keluar kali ni. Lagipun cuti sekolah dah nak abis. Pas ni duduk rumah je.
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