Day 4: Great Yarmouth Attractions
Seperti yang diramalkan, cuaca cantik sangat. Alhamdulillah syukur
. Our first destination was heading to a Burgh Castle. On the way there, jalan tutup sebab ada road work. Mr Tomtom pula tak dapat cari jalan lain... Terpusing-pusing jugalah cari jalan alternatif. Tiba-tiba ternampak sign 'potteries'... Hmmm... Boleh lah singgah dulu. We paid a family entrance fee & a 'grandma' stori mori pasal the history of pottery & how they make them. Semuanya handmade. Memang unik & menarik.
Elin&Erin were assigned to do a quiz throughout our visit there. They were very good & they got all the answers.
.The rewards = lollipops... Eiman yang tak contribute apa-apa pun dapat juga!
. They sell many nice potteries, but the prices are quite expensive. But it's worth to buy for people who know the quality & fan of pottteries.
Lepas tu, Daddy bawa ke park. Jalan nak ke park tu cantik sangat. Terus stop & park kat tepi je... Nasib baik bukan jalan sibuk. Apa lagi, Daddy pun memulakan tugasannya. 3E bermacam-macam aksi, tapi si kecik Eizan tido pulak... Kalau tak, harus dia dibiarkan atas daun-daun tu
Akhirnya sampai juga kami ke Burgh Castle. It is actually a Roman Fort. Yang tinggal pun serpihan je.. From parking to the fort - lenguh juga lah nak jalan.. Dah le angin kuat.. Ditiup bayu gitu. hehehe.. Jalan punya jalan tak nampak pun mana temboknya.. Jauh juga nak sampai ke sana. Tapi bila dah sampai, sejuk mata memandang.

Kami kat sini kejap je. Rasanya jalan ke situ pergi balik lagi lama. hehe... Pas Daddy dah buat homework, jalanlah balik ke parking.. Now we're heading to the beach.. A different part of beach that we went on previous day....
Bila sampai kat beach, cantik sangat. Tenang je tengok air laut, awan & langit. 4 beradik tu di biarkan bebas nak buat apa pun... No restriction at all, except for little Eizan kalau dia mula mengutip segala harta karun atas jalan...

Tengok le si bam-bam Eizan ni dengan aksi botol air jus dia... Sebenarnya bukan jus dia pun.. Jus Eizan = baby juice... Tapi bila dapat botol jus Abang Eiman, Eizan took his own sweet time enjoyed every moment of it! Sampai terpejam mata menikmati jus tu. Hahaha...
Dia perasan dah besar le tu... Budak tecit sorang ni la... Layan diri atas bench kat tepi laut by himself (+ botol air)... Cool abis!!!

After the beach, we decided to go back early. Tonight will be the last night we spend time in their entertainment park. So, we have to make full use of it! We choose to go for the giant multi lane slides first.. Semua naik.. Mommy pun naik juga. hehehe.. Tapi letak gambar Daddy dah le kan?
. 3E naik dalam 10 kali rasanya...
Pas tu ada bumpercar [motorbike style]... For this ride we have to pay different fee. Takpelah Daddy belanja anak-anak... Firstly we were not confident to let Eiman by himself.. Daddy temankan.. Tapi dia macam tak puas hati je..
.Tak macho le kan? So for the next round, we let him ride alone... Bukan main suka lagi...
. As a parent we scared that he might not able to handle the bike alone. Dah le ada orang lain sama.. Kalau accident ke [worst case scenario]... Tapi rupanya Abang Eiman is capable of handling the bike very well... The girls memang dah pakar le.. Suka-suka je main... Memang seronok tengok anak-anak enjoy! Tapi takde rides yang sesuai untuk Eizan bam-bam ni.. Jeling je lah ye....

Malam tu lepak-lepak je sebab Mommy nak packing barang. Esok dah nak balik... But Elin&Erin asked ' Can we stay here for another 100 days?'..............
.. Pas tu hujung-hujung dialog girls = 'I wish we don't have to go to school.'... Hmmm..
Day 5: Going back home
After having a light breakfast, we continued our journey home... We planed to stop at Langham Glass to see how they make their products... Before that, Daddy stopped at one place where there's an army exhibition. We let the boys did their job. hik hik hik...
At the glass place, we went into the area where we can see how they made the glass. It need skills, creativity & imagination. While we were there, the man was making a frog. It started from a solid glass. It's so amazing. You cannot make mistake. If not, your frog will lost his leg! hehe... They sell the frog for nearly £50. It's very unique & nice...
Finally, we headed home.. Nice & safe...

The end....
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