These pictures were taken on our wedding anniversary. 3Es can't joined us as they were at school. So, we have to tag Eizan along... There's no more romantic moment [just the TWO of us].... .......... Lets face the fact Mommy!
Daddy took Mommy to Trafford Centre & we had our lunch at Nandos... 

TWO different emotion! ... Happy vs serious.

It's very windy even it's sunny . Daddy took a few pictures before Mommy & Eizan went away by the wind!

*At this time all of us were crossing the sea .
Stay tune for our holiday pictures... |
cantik2nyer gambaq kat sini...jeles la
hepi anniversary!
comelnya eizan...tambah2 pakai merah gitew....
waa pegi jalan2 lg ker..
besnyerr..mesti cun gbr2 nt...
Salam Kenal... Lawa ler PIC kat sini... SEMPOI!!
tiuttt nyerr eizan..dengan eizan pun romantic jugak mommy:)ehhh pergi holiday lagi merentas lautan..wah seronok la itaaaa..hmm.. i jer la syik berangan..dan sabarrrr menanti box from UK ni..merentas lautan gak tu:)
wah..mummy 4Kay-E makin lawa dengan tudung baru, jacket baru, handbag baru...:)
cantiknye gambar ni..termasuk ngan pakaian model²nye tuu..i likeee ;-)
salam...celebrate anniversary ber3 ye..kacau daun je eizan tu ye...nak wat mcm mana kena bw gak hehehe!!
cantik la gmbr2 semua tu...terang n jelas n cantik!!!munn-ibu naufal
ah-ha... suka tegk eizan kali nie... ceria gumbira je dia... heheh...
hai eizan!
huhuhu kaco mommy n papa nk lomantika² ye..hahaha
geram tgk gmbr last sweet! :):)
Ala ala Eizan baby Quinny.. :-) masih holiday lagi ke Ita, tak sabar nak tunggu pic ni...last pic tu suka sangat!!
Re: Hhehe.. masa tu tak sempat letak gambar... ngantuk sangt... nak tunggu upload to flckr, bla bla bla...
Juat for ur info Ita - Our new PM M'sia is Najib Tun Razak
so sweet....cute nye mommy ngan eizan...both in red...
i loike ur jacket.. leather ek...??!! cantikk ar..
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