Last week was a long holiday - it's Easter holiday! Starting from Friday to Monday - no school & no work! Yippi.....
. We went to Daisy Nook Country Park, Oldham. The weather is not too sunny. Just nice for a walk... It's all earth colors: green, brown & more green

There's a river called Medlock... The water is cold - but the children were too excited to explore the area & play with the water.

This little boy was excited as well. Taking off his shoes & socks, brave enough to soak his feet in the river.... Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr... It's cold...

Look at those scenery... Very calm & uninterrupted. Daddy took lots of pictures, but Mommy doesn't have so much time to upload all the pictures...

Eizan is always the centre of attraction! He can do many faces in different mood... Mommy loves the pictures every bits!!!!

On the way back to the parking, Eizan tortured Uncle Yusman & Uncle Zaini.. Heheheee... Pick me up!!! Pick me up!!! More & more.....

Have fun everyone & enjoy your day!
There's a river called Medlock... The water is cold - but the children were too excited to explore the area & play with the water.
This little boy was excited as well. Taking off his shoes & socks, brave enough to soak his feet in the river.... Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr... It's cold...
Look at those scenery... Very calm & uninterrupted. Daddy took lots of pictures, but Mommy doesn't have so much time to upload all the pictures...
Eizan is always the centre of attraction! He can do many faces in different mood... Mommy loves the pictures every bits!!!!
On the way back to the parking, Eizan tortured Uncle Yusman & Uncle Zaini.. Heheheee... Pick me up!!! Pick me up!!! More & more.....
Have fun everyone & enjoy your day!
seronoknya....heheheh...he so cute...suka tgk muka dia yg mcm2 fashion tu...hehehe...comel geram pun ada...
kat 1st pic tu, nape sorang tu kepit kat mummy dia.. merajuk ape..??!! elin ke erin tu??!! tak dapat cam lagi huhuhuhu
Eizan the cute boy...
suker tgk twin you tu la...
suker posing2 kan...
salam kak ita
dah lama dilla x singgah sini
bestnya gi outing
mesti sejuk kan air tuh. family yang ceria
semua photoshoot sungguh menarek
gian jek nampak air sungai tu kan...tapi nak terjun sejukkk....
re: Ita....gambar2 holiday kali ni mmg sungguh terang..sbb panas banget....lagipon den tak dok filter...tak pandai setting plak tu...main belasah jek...
wah.. seronoknya ramai2... tak sejuk ke air sungai tu..?
salam kak ITA
panas terik sungguh
kunon2 nak buat BOKEH macam daddy buat tuh
banyak tak menjadik aaaa
Another great moment captured! sceneries yg priceless! eizann.. bole thn ye air sejut tu..hehe...
cantek cantek la gambar gambar kat sini
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