Our spring holiday this year was the most memorable journey ever... So many things had happened before
. Sweet, sour, happy, sad and all mixed emotion.. hehehe.. We will be laughing again when we remember each moment of this vacation. We were very lucky to have Uncle Syed & Auntie Aida's family traveling together with us...
From Manchester, Daddy drove us to the city of love...
. We stopped at Cambridge to stretch our legs... before headed to Dover & cross the sea
. There's a big field - enough for the kids to run all around after long hours in the car!
Our another stop was near the river... There's a nice park too... Eizan berlari dengan bebasnya dan sibuk nak kejar burung & itik2 kat situ. hehee... Sampai jatuh tersungkur pun, terus dia bangun semula! Nasib baik dia tak nangis. Good boy.
Abang Eiman asyik sibuk main games dia je.. Dia tak peduli pun orang nak ambil gambar ke... nak kejar burung ke.. He's in his own world. hmmm....
Hopefully Eizan tak ikut jejak Abang Eiman yang susah nak bergambar. Walaupun dia dah tunjuk minat nak main games... heeeheeee...
The result: our family picture = without Eiman. Payah betul nak minta dia bergambar...
After a very loooooong hours of journey, we finally arrived in the city of Paris. The first place we went was Arc de Triomphe. The Arc de Triomphe is a monument in Paris that stands in the center of the Place Charles de Gaulle. The Arc has one lift, to the level underneath the exterior observation level. The monument stands 49.5 m (162 ft) in height, 45 m (150 ft) wide and 22 m (72 ft) deep. Visitors can either climb 284 steps to reach the top of the Arc or take the lift and walk up 46 steps. Phewwww.... It's very big & in the middle of busy roads. It's so sunny in Paris. Best sangat sebab kat UK manalah selalu ada peluang nak bersantai tanpa pakai jaket... Kalau angin kuat lagilah susah nak keluar rumah... We were so lucky as the weather here was very good
. It's sunny & hot! Yeayyyyy.........
One of the exit from Arc de Triomphe is Champs-Élysées. The avenue is one of the most famous streets in the world. It runs for two kilometres (1.25 miles). All the luxury specialty shops nicely structured from side by side. It's very nice place - especially for Mommy. The kids just enjoying the ice cream in the sunny weather... Mommy happily cuci mata jeeeeee.. In and out from one shop to another. It's very expensive to shop in Paris since the euro currency is nearly the same with British pounds. *sigh*...
Daddy berjaya buat Eiman senyum sekejap selain dari tengok skrin psp dia tu... Pas tu dia sambung semula main games....
It was a tiring day. We decided to go back to the hotel earlier. Getting ready for bigger day tomorrow - The Disneyland! Our hotel apartment was very nice. It's complete with cooker, fridge, microwave, dining area, sofa & flat screen TV
. The bathroom is very large too. We like it so much except for the receptionist who couldn't speak English! Jadilah macam ayam bercakap dengan itik!!!
From Manchester, Daddy drove us to the city of love...
Our another stop was near the river... There's a nice park too... Eizan berlari dengan bebasnya dan sibuk nak kejar burung & itik2 kat situ. hehee... Sampai jatuh tersungkur pun, terus dia bangun semula! Nasib baik dia tak nangis. Good boy.
Abang Eiman asyik sibuk main games dia je.. Dia tak peduli pun orang nak ambil gambar ke... nak kejar burung ke.. He's in his own world. hmmm....
Hopefully Eizan tak ikut jejak Abang Eiman yang susah nak bergambar. Walaupun dia dah tunjuk minat nak main games... heeeheeee...
The result: our family picture = without Eiman. Payah betul nak minta dia bergambar...
After a very loooooong hours of journey, we finally arrived in the city of Paris. The first place we went was Arc de Triomphe. The Arc de Triomphe is a monument in Paris that stands in the center of the Place Charles de Gaulle. The Arc has one lift, to the level underneath the exterior observation level. The monument stands 49.5 m (162 ft) in height, 45 m (150 ft) wide and 22 m (72 ft) deep. Visitors can either climb 284 steps to reach the top of the Arc or take the lift and walk up 46 steps. Phewwww.... It's very big & in the middle of busy roads. It's so sunny in Paris. Best sangat sebab kat UK manalah selalu ada peluang nak bersantai tanpa pakai jaket... Kalau angin kuat lagilah susah nak keluar rumah... We were so lucky as the weather here was very good
One of the exit from Arc de Triomphe is Champs-Élysées. The avenue is one of the most famous streets in the world. It runs for two kilometres (1.25 miles). All the luxury specialty shops nicely structured from side by side. It's very nice place - especially for Mommy. The kids just enjoying the ice cream in the sunny weather... Mommy happily cuci mata jeeeeee.. In and out from one shop to another. It's very expensive to shop in Paris since the euro currency is nearly the same with British pounds. *sigh*...
Daddy berjaya buat Eiman senyum sekejap selain dari tengok skrin psp dia tu... Pas tu dia sambung semula main games....
It was a tiring day. We decided to go back to the hotel earlier. Getting ready for bigger day tomorrow - The Disneyland! Our hotel apartment was very nice. It's complete with cooker, fridge, microwave, dining area, sofa & flat screen TV
OooOoo cantik nye gambar. Post lah lagi .. I love paris! I just LLOOOVVVVEEE paris!
bestnya dpt g paris......
dpt tgk pic kat blog kak ita pun dah ok.....coz kalau nak pergi paris tak mampu ler....hehe...
amboi....khusyuknya eiman main psp......
tak sabar nak tgu next entry dr kak ita....
wah bestnye gi paris... disneyland lg... drive sendiri ke tu?
Ita bestnya holiday kali nie.....byk gambar lawa2 dgn cuaca yg best...erin ker elin tu yg pipi mcm bubuh blusher....
wahhh... indahnya holiday akak kali nie.. tengok pic pun dah tau nie... sumer orang happy.. walau eiman tetap ngan dunia dia...
kenapa ngan anak dara akak tu.. sapa tu elin ke erin yg merah pipi tu kak... apsal??..( dah kenapa apsal la pulak..hehehe)
x dapat pegi... tumpang tgk pic akak nie pun dah cukup...
syiok nyer...agak agak nanti lepas tak pi hungary..hahahahaha..mcm best jer budapest tu...
ensem plak eiman nih..hehehehehe
itaaa..bestnyerrr paris..teringinnyer nak pergi lagi..bestneyrrr disneyland..mommy nampak cantik in brown ni..the girls pulak dah bertambah besar la..cantik semua gambar walaupun abang eiman asyik main game jer ni..nasib baik eizan suka posing lagi ni..mommy shopping apa tunjuk la:)
best yea dpt dok obersi... so niceeeee
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