Our last day in Paris... Finally we're leaving the city. We have another two destinations. After breakfast, Daddy drove us to Bologne to Uncle Syed's friend, Auntie Duni. She stayed in a nice apartment with her two children. The apartment is surrounded with shops & cafe. It's very convenient. Shopping within walking distance!!! How wonderful
... Mommy saw mini macaroons in the cafe's display. It's so tempting especially with the colorful one. Oh dear! Mommy can't resist it. One box to take away please... 

We just stayed for a short while. Lepas makan & sembang2, we headed to Chateau Versailles. The place is very huge & full of statues... We were very lucky as at that time, there was a musical fountain concert.. The whole place was surrounded with nice music at all time...

Cuaca dah sejuk sedikit masa ni.. Macam tau je kami dah nak balik Manchester - matahari dah malas nak keluar... Semua kena pakai jaket semula.. Oh dear!

Mommy suka sangat dengan aksi 2 beradik ni... Tengok le muka Eizan yang nakal main dengan Abang Eiman... Abang Eiman suap Eizan makan crepe... Sedap je budak kecik tu nganga mulut!

The final part of our Paris holiday - Mommy wanted to say thank you for Daddy for those lovely pictures.... Without those pictures, there's no memories to remind us on wonderful our trip was... Thank you Daddy.. We love you so much!! Do take more pictures...

The end.
We just stayed for a short while. Lepas makan & sembang2, we headed to Chateau Versailles. The place is very huge & full of statues... We were very lucky as at that time, there was a musical fountain concert.. The whole place was surrounded with nice music at all time...
Cuaca dah sejuk sedikit masa ni.. Macam tau je kami dah nak balik Manchester - matahari dah malas nak keluar... Semua kena pakai jaket semula.. Oh dear!
Mommy suka sangat dengan aksi 2 beradik ni... Tengok le muka Eizan yang nakal main dengan Abang Eiman... Abang Eiman suap Eizan makan crepe... Sedap je budak kecik tu nganga mulut!
The final part of our Paris holiday - Mommy wanted to say thank you for Daddy for those lovely pictures.... Without those pictures, there's no memories to remind us on wonderful our trip was... Thank you Daddy.. We love you so much!! Do take more pictures...
The end.
glad to be the first one to comment...
doakan kejayaan emy..
wahai abang musafir ku...
bila nak update rambut tu...
faizal tahir dah hensem berambut pendek..
anda biler lagik..ngeeee
comey2 gambar tu....
paling suka..gambar eim dgn eiz..alahaiii
geramnyerr nak cium2 kanak kanak tu..eeeee
geram geram,,,
syok tuuuuu....an evening in Parittt.....hahhaa....gurau jek...in Paris.....
bestnyer dpt tengok eifel tower waktu malam.....
hye u...bess nye kn,ley jln2 cari makan,in paris lak tuh...am so jealous,heheh,in a good way lee...
dah habis dah ke ita?nak lagi heheheheh....seronok tgk gambar2 korang....credit to the photographer....kan best kalau din pun rajin ambik gambar....huhuh..
aduhai... menarik sungguh la kisah perjalanan akak ke paris.. ada ole2 tuk den x kak.. hehehe
tensennye tgk gambar kat sini.. cantik2 dan best nye dapat jalan.. JELES huargghhhhhhhhh
comel je tgk Eizan masuk dlm laundry bag kat 1st pic tu..nak sumbat Zara dalam tu gak la.. hihihi
kak ita..at the end...part IV penutup bicara cuti2 paris...anyway pandai kak ita make visitor keep tracking...kak aida sekali harung..kak ita part by part..masing2 dgn cara yg tersendiri hehehehe...
yg menarik tu??biarlah rahsia...melibatkan 'airmuka' mama3hz sebenarnya..hehehehehe...
yeh dedi is a good photog..utk anak² n mamanye, sggh beruntung. Pics worth a thousand word ye dak? hehehe
ita..best betul semua gambar macam dapar rasa jer pi Paris tu haaa..jelesss la nampak best betul..macaroons tu pulak macam sayang nak makan jer..cantik le sesangat..hmm small world ride memang best kan..the best la..syok,syok..tunujuk gambar2 lagi tau..tak puas ni:)
Wow beautiful of Chateau Versailles..mmg besar betul.. Wah Ita, the Daddy seolah2 really satisfied with his job! Yes... is a Great Photographer... heeehh
wahhh mmg best cuti2 spring ni kan, byk gak tmpat boleh tgk :) suka gmbar kak Ita berdua dgn Mr. hubby tuu... so romantic, auwww !
ini cik som.....
semuanya cute2 saje, gambar emy blm masuk ke ?
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