On the way back to the hotel from the Disneyland, we stopped at Eiffel Tower. The tower is much nicer in night time
... Kalau waktu siang, nampak macam besi buruk je...
. It's not very cold during the night. But since everybody was really exhausted, Daddy just snapped a few pictures & bought some souvenirs... Enjoy the Eiffel pictures...
The next day, we went to the tower again. Elin&Erin keep asking Mommy ' Why do we have to come here again?'.... Sorry ye sayang, Daddy memang suka ambil gambar...
... Nanti bila semua dah besar, you will appreciate all those memories captured!
Notre Dame de Paris was one of the first Gothic cathedrals. The name Notre Dame means "Our Lady" in French. Since it's a cathedral, we just stop for a while only.. Nothing much to fancy except for the architecture.
So, we took more pictures with other buildings. Heheeeee... Eiman as usual, addicted to his psp... Eizan dah kepanasan, habis merah muka & tangan dia... His footmuff pun dah kena buka. Kalau tak berpeluh-peluh le si kenit sorang ni...
From Notre Dame, we walk to the Pompedou.. Jalan-jalan cari makan.... Semua dah lapar... Then to Musée du Louvre.
The museum is housed in the Louvre Palace. There are has more than 6,000 paintings. One of the famous collection is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. We did not go inside the museum as 4Es are still small to understand & appreciate the painting. We took this picture at the Cour Carrée of the museum.
Look at those faces.. So pure & innocent!
One of Daddy's candid picture! Love it every bits...
Selalu tak banyak pun gambar Daddy sebab Daddy yang jadi photographer.. This time Mommy sempat ambil a few pictures of Daddy...

End of Part III...
Part IV is on the way....
The next day, we went to the tower again. Elin&Erin keep asking Mommy ' Why do we have to come here again?'.... Sorry ye sayang, Daddy memang suka ambil gambar...
Notre Dame de Paris was one of the first Gothic cathedrals. The name Notre Dame means "Our Lady" in French. Since it's a cathedral, we just stop for a while only.. Nothing much to fancy except for the architecture.
So, we took more pictures with other buildings. Heheeeee... Eiman as usual, addicted to his psp... Eizan dah kepanasan, habis merah muka & tangan dia... His footmuff pun dah kena buka. Kalau tak berpeluh-peluh le si kenit sorang ni...
From Notre Dame, we walk to the Pompedou.. Jalan-jalan cari makan.... Semua dah lapar... Then to Musée du Louvre.
The museum is housed in the Louvre Palace. There are has more than 6,000 paintings. One of the famous collection is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. We did not go inside the museum as 4Es are still small to understand & appreciate the painting. We took this picture at the Cour Carrée of the museum.
Look at those faces.. So pure & innocent!
One of Daddy's candid picture! Love it every bits...
Selalu tak banyak pun gambar Daddy sebab Daddy yang jadi photographer.. This time Mommy sempat ambil a few pictures of Daddy...
End of Part III...
Part IV is on the way....
sonoknyerr gi paris tewww..
bestnya dpt tgk eiffel tower in real....
besnye...klu tidak thn ni Ghazi pn smpi sni dah..tp ade kekangan yg buatkan tepaksa postponed.. anyway, ye betul..sapa jd photg maka kurg la gbr die..hehehe trust me..boleh kire jari je gbr i skrg.. anyway, kna la suh mommy pn bljr snap snap..naty balance naty..
masyallah memang cantik gbr tower tu waktu malam kann..bes la tengok gelagat bdk2 ni..tambah2 gbr candid tu...comel btoi twin dgn skirtnya..mommy pon sama..lawa pakai skirt..
Kali ni baru la nampak byk ur family picture Ita... Kalau tak, hero awak asik ngan game aje yee.. :-)
betul kan ita...budak2 nie tahu nak main jek..baru jln sikit dah mengeluh..takde mood...suruh ambik gambar memang ler payah...geram sungguh....tapi gambar2 nie semua cung2 belaka...nampak budak2 enjoy kan....
wow bestnyer gi paris tuh...
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