Baru-baru ni Mommy & Daddy sempat jumpa kawan2 sekolah yang dah lebih 18 tahun tak jumpa. Thanks to Facebook... As Mommy mentioned before here, Daddy & Mommy were from the same school. During the meeting, Elin, Erin & Eiman were at TokMama's house. They played with their cousins & did not bother to follow us. Except for the kecik Eizan... Mana boleh tinggal budak manja sorang tu.. Kalau nak tido, mesti cari Mommy.
Bila jumpa, ada yang Mommy dah tak kenal siapa. Sebab dah bermisai, berjanggut & kelebaran berganda.. heheee... Sume dah jadi pakcik-pakcik.... Dulu muda belia.. umur 13 je.. Now dah 35 tahun!
The meeting is before our batch reunion that will be in SokSek... Penang, here we come!!!

Azu: SokSek = STSSS = Sekolah Tun Syed Shahabudin..
Since there are so many S, we called SokSek. Memang most SBP panggil SokSek je ...
It's wierd for some people *wink*
ita nama kedai tu soksek..hee..he tak pernah dengar syiok lah ber sok sekk yer:)
Hi seniors!!!
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