One nite, Daddy gave Eizan a sketch book.
A thick plain/new sketch book.
It's the best gift ever!
Eizan took a pen & draw these......
One sunny day...
2 storey house:
Top floor: Daddy is sleeping, Mommy with Kakak & Eizan.
Ground floor: Eyin & Eiman: doing science experiment
Mommy doesnt like cat :(
A prince rescues Rapunzel & a bad stepmom.
Colorful version
Fighting girls
*sampai lebam mata*
A vampire
*rampingnye pinggang* hehehe
Specky girls
hahahaha comel n kreatif!anak bongsu sy yg 6 thn pun,suka sgt melukis.hobinya pgg kertas dan pen,hah mcm2 dilukisnya.smpi dh x tau nk sumbat mn kertas2 yg dia lukis.ank kembar sy yg dh djh 5 tu kan byk nk pakai A4 paper sbb nk buat latihan kira2 dll.mulalah diorg bising2 kt adik tu sbb kertas manjang habis he3...
p/s--> sis nnt bg tips camner nk ltk icon comel utk kotak komen yg kt atas ni...puas cr tp x jmp tutorial he3...tqvm ye ;)
so sweeettt!
creative sgt
sudah menampakkan minat melukis
paling suka
mommy xsuka kucing ehehehe
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