Mommy was so busy to update our photoblog
. So sorry...
Last 2 weeks, we went to meet Mommy's friend (Uncle Mie & Auntie Nurul) & another friend who fly all away from Australia (Uncle Man). 10 years ago, three of them were studying in Liverpool, while Mommy in Bath. We met here in 1999 & we meet again in 2009...
The 4 E were so happy to meet Nadhira & baby Naeem... Do enjoy the pictures...

Last 2 weeks, we went to meet Mommy's friend (Uncle Mie & Auntie Nurul) & another friend who fly all away from Australia (Uncle Man). 10 years ago, three of them were studying in Liverpool, while Mommy in Bath. We met here in 1999 & we meet again in 2009...
The 4 E were so happy to meet Nadhira & baby Naeem... Do enjoy the pictures...

salam kak ITA
Photoq eizan BOKEh ler
shuntek...DOF tu yang tak tahan ni
Ni kawan lama kak ita kat sana ke
Comey & Cute. Sama baya ngan twins ke?
wah sure bestkan jumpa balik member lama....banyak story nak citer kan...bagi 3 hr 3 malam pun x habis citer yer.....hehhehe
oo kak.. mmg pandai sungguh bergaya anak dara akak tu.... jumpa kawan lama mmg syok.. byk story mory kena cerita...:)~
pandai btoi budak2 ni posing...tambah2 gbr eizan peluk kakak tuuu...comellll jer
kejelesan yati tgk blog sis ni amat terserlah.. bestnye jejalan ;)
Apa ye yang tengah menarik on sale kat sana skg Ita? Kawan ci twin 2 org!! pandainya posing! ada talent gitu.. hehe
Re: Life macam ni la Ita, rindu merindui..isk gatai cakap mcm ni kan u.. Alaa Ita, saja aja letak pix webcam tu. Org dah lama pakai cuma I je yg tak pernah pakai sebab tak perlukannya :) skg everydy kids leh tengok daddy dia.. sweet la kan technology skg
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