It's summer sale everywhere... Everybody is carrying carrier bags / paper bags
. Since Cik Nini come here all away from Singapore for a 3 weeks holiday aka shopping, we accompany her. Cik Nini is Mommy's sister. She is just a year older than Mommy... Look all those excited faces (when arrived) & the bored faces of waiting for Mommy & their Aunties (Cik Nini & Memi) shop... Sorry little people - nothing fancy you except for the play area, ice cream & Cadbury factory outlet!. It's very good that this outlet provide a big play area... At least the ladies can shop peacefully without tagging the kids along

At one area, they are giving away apples for all customers.. Fresh apples direct from the farm.. Yippi!!! It's so sweet & juicy... Healthy snack for everyone. But the apple is too big for Eizan's mouth!

'Shop till u drop!'. hehehe.... Part 2 coming next...

At one area, they are giving away apples for all customers.. Fresh apples direct from the farm.. Yippi!!! It's so sweet & juicy... Healthy snack for everyone. But the apple is too big for Eizan's mouth!

'Shop till u drop!'. hehehe.... Part 2 coming next...
Salam kak Ita
wah ku tak tahan tengok FO tu
macam dah nak giler acik kat sini ni hah (hehehhehe) best aa kak ita ni. dapat gi FO ari2 pun syok jugek kan
4 Kay E yg comel itew:-) suka tengok aksi Eizan yang sahaja itew....
** kak Ita
cameraku still kat hospital lagik nih. Mood tarak lah kak. dapat tempel Photoshoot acap tu benornya nak ilangkan kesedihan ni (huhhuuuhu)
ooo byknyer plastic bag. akak suruh kakak itu transit di dubai..boleh sy temankan shoping kat sini pulak..hiksss
besnyaa..sambil2 sopin dapat epal free plak hihihi
mesti sakan la sopin kalo xyah bawak anak kann hihi
Bestnye shop2 time sale ni! Bila dah kat sini...i cuma berani kirim tie rack jer kat my fren time sale ni ...coz itu yg paling ringan! hehe! Miss the UK sale!
p/s: My anak dara suka tgk gambar anak2 dara u posing tau!
bestnya shopping!
bestnyer shoppinng ngan sis lak tuh...bestnyer..
ada lak apple free...
hmm..outing palaing bermakna bagi kaum pompuan ye ita..kalau dapat bawak shopping bags banyak2 tu..senyum jer kita..hehh..hehh little people pun enjoy jugak..bestneyr dapat apple baju tu tia mia muat..pinggang skirt jer besar skit tapi mama boleh adjust punya and very soon will fit very well:)
twin kaler purple, boys kaler merah.. cantik bangat.. bestnye soping.. tak sabar nak tgk beli ape hihi
ari tu ada masalah sikit nak masuk sini... bila leh masuk x leh nak komen.. so tgk pic aje la..
nanti watie la plak nak kesana... muhahaha.. berangan sungguh, bila la nak merasa sampai sana nie..
o yes! shop till u drop bebeh! heheh summer sale lak tu..lots of baju leh beli sbb bleh pki blik mesia skalik.. btw i laf mama n papa pic..sooooo ber'attitude' ok hehehe
ps: dearest, thnks fr the bday wishes!!!
aaaaaaaaaaaa...eizan mkn apple tue comelllllllllllllll sangat! hehehe
n yes...cant help it...but then again, nice rosewood n gaucho! :D heheheh
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