This entry doesn't have 4E pictures. It's all about food that Mommy wanted to try...
It's a red velvet cake/cupcake. Mommy read about the cake from the internet & books. It's from the Hummingbird. When Mommy went to London with Aunty Fidah, we didn't have time to have tea at the bakery :(.
When we're back in Malaysia, Mommy read about a cafe called Whisk that sells the red velvet cake. But the place is quiet far from our home, so no chance to try it. Hmmm... but luckily, someone told me that Delicious @ Midvalley sells it. Yeay!!!
So, Mommy went to Midvalley. There are lots of other tempting desserts & cakes... But Mommy just bought the velvet cuppies... Maybe after Ramadhan, we can go again & dine in.
2 months ago
Hello 4 kay-E, very nice the cakes....your mom has great tastes in cakes.
I guess hari raya akan datang, the word cholesterol da lupa, ha ha. Makan first.....belakang kira.....
Selamat berpuasa, keep a song in your heart, Lee.
Alamakkkk ietaa.. alamak!! macam tersalah tengok entry je nii... tolongg!!! saya nak semua!!!
OOoOOoO cuppies tu is too sweet for me!!! I do not have such a sweet tooth! Hari tu macaroons pun abit manis for me :O
my sis pun suka red velvet kat whisk tu, hehehe... hummingbird ok la, but not to my liking. kuat sgt rasa cinnamon
nak jak try semua org dok citer pasal red misti kat Mchester tak de kan? kalau ada pun misti manis leting....:(
takpelah daim kan ada kat tesco...hehhee....misti mu rindu kat daim £2.99 tu ....
wah kak ita, packaging cake ni MELETOP!!!!
cantek sungguh lah haih.
** kak ita dah buat kuih raya ke. tahun ni raya kat kajang? nanti mai umah erk......:)
Ita i pun gila red velvet tu.. my neigbour good at baking selalu bagi dia buat cuppies kecik2 topping cream cheese banyak we mkn bagai nak rak.. i suka sbb tak muak kann... i dah lama nak cuba buat.. tapiii entah bila klu buat sendiri mesti boleh tambah merapu2 lagi bagi extra sedap heee selamat hari raya to you sefamily..
hi ita,selamat hari raya to you,khai and 4es okie,nanti i bagi macaroon tu,insyallah lepas raya ada rezki boleh jumpa,sebut delicious,i suka lah dia punya seafood olio,yummy:)
kak eta... lama x jengah sini....
selamat hari raya eik...maaf zahir batin...
*****cupkek tu verry the sedapp wokey......
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