3E is singing 'Jalur Gemilang' in these few days. They learned the song from school..
Merdeka... Merdeka... Merdeka...
The best thing they like about merdeka is there's no school & they can sleep late. Yippi!!!
I hope one day my children will understand about 'merdeka'... Insya-Allah.
2 months ago
Hi 4Kay-E, just dropped by to wish you and family, selamat hari Merdeka.
I was there, Aug 31st, 1957.
Hi ita..merdeka,Merdeka..wahhh pandai lah dia orang nyanyi Jalur gemilang ye..Tia Mia asyik "satu melesia" jer nyanyi..yeap hopefully they will understand and appreciate it.re: ye lah cake secret recipe lah tu ita,tapi tiamia suka tiramisu lah..dia orang macam suka rasa coffee jugak,sibuk selalu nak minum papa punya nescafe:) happy birthday acu..siapa acu ita?
hahahah lama2 they all tau lah!!! my dad pun selalu cakap we all (his kids) tak appreciate merdeka as much because we were not around before merdeka.
I guess that's quite normal tak?
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