for Elin&Erin to come out from school, Eiman & Eizan just stay in the car with Mommy. But it seems that we were a bit early... Nothing much to do in the car. Eizan started to bored...

Then Mommy let them go out & play at the bus stop. At least Eizan stop messing Mommy's stuff in the car. hehee..

When the twin arrived, Eiman & Eizan terkodek2 running towards Mommy. hehee... Before we went home, we stop at Secret recipe to buy slices of cakes.. Hmmm.. sweet & cool cakes for nite time while watching tv.. nyum nyum...
hi ita, memang dia orang cepat boring duduk dalam car kan,kalau tia mia macam lah kat belakang tu sampai penuh..tapi lepas tu dapat secret recipe..bestlah.wahhh best bukak puasa kat luar tu..nampak dessert sedap..kita orang tak pernah keluar lagi lah..itu treat untuk the 3 es yang rajin puasa.
ya allah baru tau aku boleh komen rupanya...hehehe....
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